Welcome to Platoon Forward!

Welcome to the site where the story of the battle is as important as the battle itself. Here we will focus on men thrust into extraordinary situations of life and death. They must lead other men with duty and honor to meet their countries objectives. Some will be blessed with great skill, some will carry great shortcomings. No matter what nation, no matter what war, no matter what theater, they are all called to move their Platoon or Squadron forward!

These are their individual stories as played out using my various campaign rules . Hopefully these stories will entertain and inspire you to use your own troops, airmen and sailors to accomplish your own great heroics.

Monday, January 3, 2022

Legends of Dead Man's Hand-- Black Bart

 Hope everyone had a great holiday season.  Rather than starting off on what I got I would rather start with what I, and you gave.  In the month of December I made $130 from sales of Flotilla Forward, Grunts Forward, and Cold War Tanker.  I gave a check to the food bank on 22 Dec and they were very appreciative, thank you for your support!   I am now selling Flotilla Forward at 3D wargaming as well as their commission is less than the Wargame Vault.  https://www.wargaming3d.com/product/flotilla-forward/  

I was blessed to have my kids home for the holidays which is always fun.  We were without masks this year as omicron hadn't hit this part of Virginia yet.  I hope you all had a good holiday.  Please pray for those that did not and our servicemen and women far from home.  

One of the things I got for Christmas were western figures from Blue Moon.  I got their personalities pack and dismounted confederate cavalry for my 7th cavalry.  I ordered their buildings but their molds are broken or something.  Off to Peter Pig for those!  Their figures are really more 18mm but are varied and paint up well.  Their faces leave something to be desired but the figures all have character which is key for a man to man skirmish game.   I also received the campaign rules for Dead Man's Hand, Legends of Dead Man's Hand.  You know I am about campaigns and this book looks to be very good.  So I painted several figures up and had a go after the kids left.  

In Legends, you roll up a gang and then gain fame points after each battle.  These fame points can be used to draw on an experience table to gain attributes for your gunmen.  You also run schemes [ modern day we would call them hustles] to increase your reputation which is what ultimately wins you the game.   I have played very little but this seems to work well.  The only part that is weak is how you set up your battles.  I think I will still have to set up a table. 

In DMH you play 3 scenes that comprise an act.  Each scene being larger.  I started out photographing each battle but it was tedious.  I think a first person narritive better captures the flavor of the game and campaign.   Ladies, gentlemen and varmints of all kinds, I present my first attempt at Legends of Dead Man's Hand!

My name is Bartholomew Greenwood.  I am your narrator for today.  I came to Los Robos with my friend DJ.  We were cellmates in Kansas after I became a little high spirited one evening playing poker.  We moved westward and met up with a guy named Festus.  He wuz betting people a nickle that they couldn't take him in a fist fight. [ rolled up pugilist trait!] He racked up 5 knock outs while we were watching him.  We brought him with us to Los Robos.   


Bartholomew, Festus and DJ.  

Los Robos was our kind of town.  No Sheriff.  Just a couple of part time deputies.  We met 2 other fellas, Jake Johnson and Ray Smith.  They helped us get established.  We talked to some miners outside of town and told them it was dangerous not to have our protection.  One night after a mysterious fire they were convinced. [scheme 1].  

    The Law!     The Sheriff, Pancho and Johnny Lightning.  Johnny has the quick draw trait. 


 So one evening DJ goes into town to aquire some supplies we need to a robbery of a bank.  [ bank robbery scheme 2].

For some reason part time deputy Pancho wants to stick his nose where it don't belong...

Shot of southeast corner of Los Robos.  Remember I don't have any buildings yet.  For those of you contemplating hexes each hex is 10cm for game purposes and I use actual LOS. 

  Needless to say DJ opened fire and a short battles rages...
but DJ is a wiley one!

Shouldn't stick your nose where it don't belong.   

DJ didn't mean no harm, he was just acquiring a couple of special items. Unfortunately Pancho died.  This got that hot head Johnny up in arms. He sends a message to the sheriff in Larado. 

[ DJ gets sly as a fox trait.  He gets 2 shots when he interrupts.] 

Scene 2

2 days later we are legitimately buying supplies when the sheriff and Johnny come up and wants to question DJ about Pancho's death.  Sumpthn about security camera footage. While I ask if they have a warrent and sure enough shootin starts.  

   Jake covering us with his rifle.

Festus would go down this battle but recovery quickly.  He always was better with his fists.  

Here we are dueling it out with that hot head Johnny.  DJ is in the house, Festus on the left corner and I am running up to help my boys.  People sometimes call my "Black Bart" because I wear black.  Near the camera is Fancy Dan.  We end up dropping Johnny. Pretty sure it was MY shot but of course DJ wants the credit!  But  Dan drags him off as the law leaves us alone.  

[Johnny wants revenge from his wounds table so his nerve improves by 1.]

Scene 3

So the next day I get a summons to meet the sheriff at high noon in town.  It is all over instagram!  My reputation is at stake.  I have never met the sheriff but his reputation unfortunately is very good as a gunfighter.  Well, momma didn't raise no fool.  We will have my boys in the town ready to take out the law if need be!  

    High Noon in Los Robos.  

The sheriff beats me to the draw because he cheated and started before the pretty lady said "draw."  I would have crushed him in a fair fight.  So I duck into the store and the lead starts to fly!  

Juan, he killed my brother, guns down Festus on the first turn.   Man Festus is a bullet magnet!  

Rufus [boo] and Jake duel it out on the edge of town.  We both positioned our rifles there to snipe into town.   Guess that didn't work.  Good thing is Jake will win this duel.

 DJ and Ray fire into the house at the Sheriff and Fancy Dan.  I am on the other side of the street maneuvering against Juan.    With Rufus down, I distract Juan so Jake can come up behind and hit Juan over the head.  2 lawmen down!  [ once you lose half your men you have to take a nerve test to stay in the fight.  3 men down for both is key here.] 

I finally remember to add +2 for short range pistols so the sheriff goes down and DJ is badly wounded. He crawls away into a building. 

Johnny sees his chance to be a hero.  He races up to the trees and fires at Ray...

I am really beginning to hate Johnny! 

 With 3 men down it is time for Jake and I to regroup.  We are not running away, we are REGROUPING!  

Black Bart's men failed their nerve test while Johnny's group didn't.  The law lost the first 2 scenes but won the finally.  For the Law Juan died.  Their Scheme of working with a lawyer to clean up the town is working nicely and they gain 1 reputation.  Fancy Dan gets a targeting skill and Johnny lightning got "stern constitution."

Ray died in the battle and DJ later made it back to camp with Festus.  Jake Johnson's fame has grown locally for taking part in the battle and downing 2 lawmen.  His aim has also improved with his rifle as he develops the "trickshot" trait.  To replace Ray they bring in Jake's brother, Rufus Johnson and he will start out as a "varmint".  

The mine collapses so does Bartholomew's scheme.  Fortunately, their bank robbery is very successful and they gain 2 reputation.  

So ends act 1.  The law has 16 reputation and Bart's troupe has 15.  Needless to say this was a blast to play with a great deal of character.  I need to paint up some banditos to have a 3rd group then add some peter pig cavalry.  

Stay tuned...



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